Friday, January 15, 2010

The book is good

As I mentioned in my previous post, I started to read and now decided to review the "C++ from the groud up" book written by Herbert Schildt.

After reading the first 127 pages (and taking a quick look at the next 100) I must say that it is really well written. The author makes sure to present as many examples as possible to make the theory clear. The book is also rich in "professional programmer's adivces". There is not many, but the most important ones (very much simplifying them) go like e.g. "global variables are bad, try not to use them because your code will be messy and piss of your fellow programmers" or "know where your pointers are pointing all the time!" (which is kind of funny, but true). This is actually something that I would expect from such a book and the author did a good job delivering a C++ programming guide for all (beginners and professionals). The book kind of feels like Kathy Sierra's "SCJP 6 Certification" book. It is full of detailed information on most important aspects of the programming language, well organized and presented. (I guess no one can present the contents as good as Kathy, but Herbert did a good job too.) The book is not boring and also makes me feel like "I want to know more.. come on, give it to me!". I kind of like this feeling, so if my eyes did't say "Adam, enough for today", I wouldn't stop reading it.

Nice. So.. how many pages will I read tomorrow? I guess none :-) It's weekend!

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