Did you ever think about moving to some not-really-civilized-country and spending there the rest of your life?... just like that.
I'm trying to figure out, why oh why do I have to work for over 300 days per year just to get to go to such a country for 2 weeks for my holidays? Living in Europe is expensive, all people are in hurry and highly stressed. They smile rarely (I mean the REAL smile) and are limited by millions of artificial rules created by the government. Ok. They have the money to buy themselves a car, nice computer ... or a house. Do they really need that?
On the other hand, people who live e.g. in Bali (Indonesia), do not really have the money, but:
* The fruit grows all over the place (if you're hungry... just go to the jungle and get some)
* Rice prices are extremely low
* It's worm there all year around, no need to have the electricity (unless you feel better in air-conditioned rooms).
* People do not hurry, have no big work stress.. if they need money, they simply look for some dummy tourists and get some from them
* If you have skills like "scuba dive master", you may open your own business and have fun all year around (sometimes even get paid to guide some tourists underwater)
* No need to leave for holiday brake... you are on holidays.
Hmm... maybe I am wrong, but I think that people on Bali are happier then we are. Maybe they are poor but they live their lives more than we do!
So what do I do now... ? Get a visa and optimize my life? Maybe... when I am older ;-)